House/Residential Cleaning

Help When

You Need It

Staying on top of cleaning tasks while juggling a busy schedule can be challenging. Elegance Cleaning Services can help you streamline your routine for a more efficient and effective cleaning plan. Curious about what is included in general house cleaning? Let us walk you through our recommendations.

General cleaning at home means taking a strategic approach to each room:

  • Kitchen: Focus on grease and food stains. Use a degreaser for appliances and countertops. Clean the sink with baking soda and vinegar for a natural, effective solution.
  • Bathroom: Tackle mold and soap scum. Use a disinfectant for surfaces and a specialized cleaner for grout and tiles. Don’t forget to wash shower curtains regularly.
  • Bedroom: Dusting is key, especially on blinds and ceiling fans. Vacuum regularly, and use gentle cleaners for furniture.
  • Living Room: Regular vacuuming and dusting are essential. Use upholstery cleaner for sofas and chairs. For hardwood floors, a microfiber mop with a gentle cleanser preserves the finish.
  • Laundry Room: Dust window sills and shelves. Wipe down and rinse out your utility sink Sanitize all surfaces, including your washing machine and dryer.
  • Kids’ Room: Dust off surfaces like baseboards and window sills. Clean hanging and decorative items. Wipe down furniture and light fixtures. Vacuum floors and upholstered furniture.

Cleaning a home sometimes feels like a full-time job.

With kids running around, relationships to maintain, and hobbies to enjoy, it can be hard to find time to even just mop the floor. That’s Elegance Cleaning  offers custom cleaning plans for all budgets and schedules.

Answering the question “What is included in general house cleaning?” starts with Elegance doing a thorough assessment of your home, and we’ll then create a custom plan for you. Rest easy knowing our cleaning services are backed by the Neighborly Done Right Promise™, which ensures that we’ll get the job done right the first time. Request a free estimate today!